6 Tips for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

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tupperware malaysia

As Malaysians, we all love our fruits and vegetables fresh and nutritious. However, keeping them fresh and crisp can be a challenge, especially during the hot and humid weather in Malaysia. In this article, we’ll provide you with some useful tips to help you keep your fruits and vegetables fresh with tupperware malaysia in the refrigerator.

  • Store Fruits and Vegetables Separately

Fruits and vegetables release different gases that can affect each other’s freshness. For instance, fruits release ethylene gas, which can accelerate the ripening process of vegetables. To avoid this, it’s recommended to store fruits and vegetables separately. You can use separate drawers or containers in your refrigerator for this purpose.

  • Wash Your Produce Before Storage

Washing your produce before storage can help remove dirt, bacteria, and other contaminants that can cause decay. However, make sure you dry them thoroughly before storing them in the refrigerator. Moisture can lead to spoilage and mold growth, which can spoil your produce.

  • Use Airtight Containers or Bags

Using airtight containers or bags can help keep your produce fresh by preventing moisture loss and slowing down the ripening process. For instance, you can use plastic bags or containers with lids to store leafy greens and herbs. Similarly, you can store berries and cherries in containers with small holes to allow for proper ventilation.

  • Keep Temperature and Humidity in Check

Different types of fruits and vegetables have different temperature and humidity requirements. For instance, leafy greens prefer a high-humidity environment, while tomatoes and cucumbers prefer a low-humidity environment. To keep your produce fresh, make sure you store them at the appropriate temperature and humidity level. You can adjust the humidity level in your refrigerator by using the humidity control feature, if available.

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  • Use Paper Towels

Using paper towels can help absorb excess moisture and prevent mold growth in your produce. For instance, you can wrap your mushrooms in paper towels to absorb excess moisture and prevent them from becoming slimy. Similarly, you can wrap your celery and carrots in paper towels to keep them crisp and fresh.

  • Don’t Overload Your Refrigerator

Overloading your refrigerator can affect the airflow and temperature distribution, which can lead to spoilage. To keep your produce fresh, make sure you don’t overcrowd your refrigerator. Leave enough space between your product to allow for proper ventilation and airflow.


In conclusion, by following these simple tips, you can keep your fruits and vegetables fresh and nutritious for longer periods of time. By storing your produce correctly, you can save money and reduce food waste. Additionally, fresh fruits and vegetables are packed with essential nutrients that are beneficial for your health. So, take care of your product, and enjoy the benefits of fresh and nutritious fruits and vegetables.